Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Close up of Parker

Intro to Parker's Life

This blog if for our son John Parker Luke, whom we will be referring to as Parker.  He was born on the 3th of May, 2012 at 1125 in the Mike O'Callaghan Federal Hospital (MOFH) on Nellis AFB, NV.  He was born at only 26 weeks and four days of growth in his mother's womb since MOFH does not have a long term neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) he was transported to Sunrise Children's Hospital hours after his birth.  To all that read this blog, we will post updates on this condition, pictures and videos as frequently as we can.  We are truly grateful for your love and support of our little man and we want you to know that our Lord's hand has been seen in the reason he was born early.  We also know that the Lord's will will be done and we are accepting of what may come from this trial in our life.