Sunday, May 20, 2012

20 May @ 2030 Update

Amber's update on 20 May @ 2030:
Day 17
Another good day today. O2 levels weren't so great this am so vent settings were changed a little. Did a lot better in the afternoon. Doctors are talking about weaning the vent every day. Still holding off on the feedings. We take it a day at a time. He gains a little weight every day. He's up to 2lbs 6oz. John and I are both holding strong. It's amazing how much closer this little one has brought us together. We have spent more time together than we ever have before. Love it!
John's input:
Thank you to all the family members, co-workers and friends that have taken the time to stop by and check up on us.  Thank you to all those who keep tabs on the situation via text, facebook and this blog.  The support is overwhelming and we are truly grateful for everyone's love and prayers.  It makes it easier to deal with our situation knowing that we have so many people looking after us and caring about the situation.  Our Bishop took our first family photo today (Thanks Bishop!).

We have noticed that Parker is growing bigger and even repeat visitors have noticed as well.  Amber and I were noticing his hand yesterday and how big it looks.  It was laying on this chest and seemed to cover about 2/3 of it.  My sweet mother send us a picture of Parker's weight a few days back (see first picture below) and so we decided to do our own weight comparison (see second picture below). For the second picture he is 100 grams under the actual weight in the picture (or about 2 cookies less).

19 May @ 1930 Update

Amber's update on 19 May @ 1930:
Day 16
Parker had an eventful morning. We know he's getting bigger because he needed his breathing tube changed out to a bigger tube. They had quite a time getting it back in! I was a little nervous but finally it was in and he's been breathing great ever since. He got another blood transfusion today, mainly because of all the blood they've taken from him over the past few days. It's hard for these little ones to reproduce blood fast enough. Everything else is going well for him. He's even gained a little weight!

18 May @ 2037 Update

Amber's update on 18 May @ 2037:
Day 15
Another good day for Parker. No major issues today, just the usual continual changes to the vent when his blood gases are done. we were a little concerned about the brusing on the left side of his belly, so he had an xray done. It didn't show anyting abnormal, we are happy for that. we like the good days like this!