Sunday, May 13, 2012


John update on 13 May @ 1900:

Parker's stomach has been looking a little dark for the past couple days. His stomach has been soft so doctors were not too concern but keep an eye on it. Today the stomach got a little hard and they did a few X-ray. They will be taking him into the OR to open him up and see what is going on. He received a blessing from Amber's dad and myself and we all feel it is going to be good. We have faith in the doctors and the staff working on him. Let God's will be done.

May 12 @ 2030 Update

Amber updated on May 12 @ 2030:
Day 9: Parker is now weighing in at 940 grams! He's passed his birth weight! Yay! Had a pretty good day. Belly looked a little big, had some bile coming out of his oral gastric tube, but X-rays look ok. More X-rays tonight and labs. Oxygen levels went down a few times, so I don't think he's ready quite yet to come off the vent. We're ok with that, he will be off in due time. He continues to pull through. This little man is a fighter!