Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 114

Another father/son day. It's so hard being away from Parker during the day. Thankfully I got out of work on time and got to snuggle with him for a while. We even started him on bottle feedings today. He gets 40cc every 3 hours. He chugged his 40cc like a champ. We didn't thicken it nearly as much as we did before, and he got it down with no problem. They'll continue to gradually increase his feeds until he gets to his full amount. He's still off the oxygen and doing well. Although they did give him Ativan to help him relax and that didn't work, so they gave him morphine right after it and he was out. I think he forgot he still had to breathe. I told John he doesn't need drugs, he just needs his mommy! I can't wait to spend the next few days with him again!