I know I haven't been updating the blog nearly as much as I should, sorry friends. Parker has been doing very well. He is still working on his bottle skills. Sometimes he gets it all down, other times he fights it. Thankfully we have the G tube so we are able to give him the nutrition he needs. There is no set time for how long he will have the G tube. I'm sure he'll have it at least through flu season so that I he gets sick and doesn't want to eat, at least he'll have a way to get nutrition.
Parker had an appt with the eye doctor last week. His retinopathy is improving and is now stage 1, it was at stage 2. He will follow Parker until it is completely gone.
Today Parker has physical therapy. They showed us some exercises to help work on his head and neck control. He has physical therapy once a week at sunrise hospital. Really, all of his progress will depend on us. We really have to work with him to get him caught up to where he needs to be. Even though his corrected age is 1 1/2 months, they treat him like his real age 4 1/2 months. He is a strong kid, so I know he will catch up quick.
Next week we are booked every day with follow up appointments. Makes the days go by super fast!
I will try to update more frequently, no promises though :)