Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 51

Today Parker made a great improvement. He is off the ventilator!! He is now on SiPAP which is a little mask that goes over his nose and pushes air into his lungs. He is at a set rate at 30 right now so it will give him at least that many breaths a minute. He has been doing well and has been on room air most of the day and maintaining adequate oxygen saturations. I don't think he's a big fan of this new contraption, but it's necessary for his progression. The best part for me today was being able to hear my baby cry for the first time. It's not very often a mother wants to hear her child cry, but for me it was so sweet. His poor little hoarse cry brought a tear to my eye. Feeds remain the same right now. I think extubating him was enough for the day!