Amber's update on 13 May 2200:
Day 10
What a day, what a day, what a day! Baby Parker sure did make up today for all of his good days he's had in the past. We came in this morning with an ok report. He had some more bile come out of his OG tube. Abdominal X-ray was taken and Dr said there was one area they were going to watch, ordered another X-ray for the late afternoon. When I changed his diaper at noon I noticed his stomach was bigger and more firm and more dusky looking. Afternoon x ray showed some concern so they took another shot from a different view. The dr came over to the bedside and said she wanted to show me the films, I knew it was bad. He had some free air in his abdomen and was going to have surgery tonight. Surprisingly John and I were calm about it and felt that things would be ok. The surgeon came in about 2 hours later and explained everything to us. Sending a child, especially a newborn preemie to surgery is one of the hardest things to do! But we put our faith in the Lord and in those doing the surgery. As John and I waited in the waiting room we felt comforted and at peace. Thankfully everything turned out ok. He had a spontaneous perforation at the most distal end of the ileum. That was our best case scenario. We were thankful it was not necrotizing entercolitis. Parker now has a tiny temporary ostomy. He is doing well and should sleep well through the night. We are so thankful for those caring for him. We are especially grateful for all of our family and friends who have been praying, fasting and supporting our family through these rough days. we will continue to keep everyone posted on his status.
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